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Question: Home-School

Think about your educational practices, and try to answer the following items scoring 1 to 5 as often you developed in the class (from very little 1 to lots 5). To see the results it is necessary to finish the questionnaire, (there are 42 items)

Fill in the value from 1 - 5 on each question (from "very little" 1 to "frequently" 5)
1) The parents are looked upon as an important resource in the learning process.
2) All parents are to be respected no matter they are rich or poor.
3) Cooperation between parents is an important area.
4) Indicates clear expectations to all parents about the importance of cooperating with school
5) It is important to get a positive cooperation between parents and school as early as possible.
6) Speaks in a positive way about parents to pupils.
7) Clear expectations that both parents are to attend in the cooperation.
8) Signalising positive expectations to parents as a group.
9) Look for and reinforce what is positive in the cooperation between school and parents
10) The parents are currently updated about their child�s situation at school.
11) The parents know where, how and when they can contact the teacher.
12) All parents are called in to regular meetings with the teacher.
13) Parents are called in to regular conferences with focus on their child.
14) Informations are shared/go both ways.
15) The teacher asks for information to make the school situation as good as possible for their child.
16) The parents are continuously informed of their child�s strong sides and areas for development.
17) The teacher has a book used as an information channel between school and home.
18) The teacher assures that both parents get the same information although they do not live together.
19) The teacher has systematically contact with the pupil, discussing school situation, spare time and friends as a basic for the home � school cooperation
20) The parents experience that the teacher listens to them and shows genuine interest.
21) The teacher assures that the parents get a word in at conferences.
22) The parents experience themselves equal in the cooperation.
23) The parents feel their experience as important.
24) If both parents participate the teacher assures that they both get a word in.
25) The parents experience that it is allowed to disagree and that disagreement can be solved.
26) The parents experience/feels a positive attitude from school/teacher
27) Parents feel a real influence on what is taking place in the class
28) Problems which may rise in the class is discussed with the parents at an early stage.
29) Parents as a group may bring their ideas/propositions to improvement.
30) Parents as a group may give their opinion on learning plans/methods and what to learn.
31) Parents experience their contribution as important and have clear duties in the cooperation
32) Parents have at meetings discussed how they can contribute to help their own child in the learning process.(school � home curriculum)
33) Parents are always used as active contributors in making individual plans.
34) At meetings between school and home, methodologies are used to make sure that all parents can give their opinion.
35) The work that Parents organization does is appreciated by the teacher.
36) The work that Parents organization does at school level is given priority by school administration
37) Parents organization is involved in generally school matters.
38) Parents are invited to visit school and attend at lessons.
39) Parents are encouraged to contribute with experiences from their own work.
40) Parents are invited on trips/activities and other arrangements.
41) Parents are encouraged to help pupils with their home work,
42) Parents are encouraged to see to that their child gets enough sleep and food.