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Questions: Classroom Management

Think about your educational practices, and try to answer the following, using a scale of 1 to 5 to indicate how often you implement them in class (from 'very little' 1 to 'frequently' 5). To see the results, it is necessary to finish the questionnaire, (there are 60 items).

Fill in the value from 1 - 5 on each question (from "very little" 1 to "frequently" 5)
1) Repeats the main things from the last lesson.
2) Explains what will happen the rest of the lesson.
3) Makes use of the pupils own experiences and interests as a basis for the education.
4) Has developed routines, which create flow in the lesson.
5) The classroom is made ready in advance and material is ready and available.
6) Start the lesson as soon as possible.
7) Indicate the start and end of the lesson very clearly.
8) Use as little time as possible on change of activities.
9) Indicates clear expectations on expected behaviour.
10) Gives reasons for why the topic of the lesson is chosen.
11) Gives practical samples to explain the topic.
12) Use the time efficiently.
13) Be sure there is continuity during the lesson.
14) See all pupils (have overview)
15) Assure there is not much waiting to get help.
16) Help pupils who need it as soon as possible.
17) Show clear expectations on quality of the work.
18) Take immediate action against unwanted behaviour.
19) The class rules are on the wall.
20) Walk around the classroom continuously.
21) Give clear instructions.
22) Work with structures of the lesson.
23) The rules are put in a positive way.
24) Expects unwanted behaviour and knows how to act (plan).
25) The pupils are placed in such a way that you have got the complete view.
26) You stay where you have got the complete view in the classroom.
27) Uses involvement/great interest introducing new themes/teaching.
28) Connects new themes with what the pupils already have learnt in a good way.
29) Uses systematically praises to the pupils during the learning process.
30) Varies the teaching presentations.
31) Varies between different ways of working in the classroom.
32) Repeats the rules and concretise them.
33) Have clear procedures on if rules are broken.
34) State reasons for and explain activities and choice of educational material.
35) Usually use a low volume of voice.
36) Correct bad behaviour, low and near the pupil.
37) Have eye contact with most of the pupils.
38) Give positive feedback when rules are followed.
39) The pupils cooperate developing goals on areas where changes are needed.
40) Gives clear instructions on the blackboard or elsewhere.
41) Uses time efficient when in focus.
42) Assure high attention from the pupils.
43) Be aware to come into negative circles (fussing, scolding, scapegoat)
44) Have positive focus and praise the pupils positive achievements.
45) Let the pupils reflect on own behaviour.
46) Acknowledge positive behaviour individually.
47) Train transfers between activities.
48) Train general routines as walking into the classroom/walking out, queuing up, getting material aso.
49) Emphasizes headlines and important issues.
50) Asks frequent questions and checks if the pupils understand during the process.
51) Helps the pupils to see similarities and differences.
52) Gives the pupils the possibility /inspire them to give their own suggestions/ideas/solutions.
53) The pupils knows exactly what kind of behaviour you do not tolerate.
54) Gives systematically and constructive feedback to the pupils and shows them what they are good at and what/where they can improve.
55) State clear expectations of prosocial behaviour to the pupils.
56) Checks/tests the pupils' knowledge in different ways.
57) Cooperates with colleagues teaching in the class about rules/routines.
58) Taking into consideration being a good role model to the pupils.
59) Gives the pupils tasks they are able to master.
60) Has teacher - pupil conversations with focus on learning?