With the objective of providing an evaluation of the impact of developing GOLDEN courses, explaining the content of the programme, different courses were evaluated in Europe. A total of 15 centres were involved in Golden5 training, which involved a total of 60 teachers. In Spain, of 32 teachers, only 13 were prepared to take part in the evaluation process. In the other countries, all the teachers that received the training finally participated in it, this resulting in a total of 41 teachers who carried on within the process. Characteristics of the courses can be seen in the individual report, on the map shown.
Once teachers decided to be involved in the evaluation process, two sets of different instruments were given to them, one for teachers and one for students. Teacher evaluation includes a follow-up questionnaire that accesses the application of the key steps and provides a qualitative analysis of them. In order to evaluate students, a set composing of the same questionnaires used in the Pilot study (see instruments) was used with a pre-test / post-test design. The questionnaires were administered at the beginning of the course and at the end of the school year (a difference of around 2 to 3 months), and included school adjustment (School and I), self-esteem (Rosenberg scale), school motivation (motivation and attitudes questionnaire), social success (sociogram) and school achievement (school grades in June and in December). These questionnaires were administered to the Golden5 children selected in each class and the total number of Golden5 children involved was 195. In Norway, Spain and Italy, questionnaires were also handed out to all the students in the class, giving a total of 674 students evaluated.