Zarządzanie klasą
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Klimat w klasie
Nauczanie zindywidualizowane
Relacje dom-szkoła
5. Home-School
5.1. Make regular contact to the parents with a positive message. (Use phone or instead write in a special contact- book for these 5 children)
5.2. Ask parents in conferences or meetings about of how they feel their child cope and thrive.
5.3. Use a questionnaire send out to the parents in advance concerning motivation/self-esteem/academic adjustment/expectations/social adjustment to raise the expectation about their own child.
5.4. Make”learning contract” between pupil-teacher-parents focusing on responsibility and improvement.
5.5. See to that the parents of the golden 5 attend to parents conferences by giving them extra attention (special message-phone call-message through child a.s.a.p)
5.6. Show interest in the child’s family and activities by asking questions to the child and show interest.
5.7. Go through the ”home curriculum” with the parents in the class as a whole or with the parents of the golden 5.
5.8. Open school day with pupils and parents so that the parents will see the pupils work and desk and classroom.
5.9. Organize family groups in the class (groups of parents taking a group of pupils out on activities once a month in the evening/afternoon)
5.10. Make a parents-activity bank in the class where parents put in their contribution (help-assistance-driving-baking-inviting class to work/farm-tell class about special interests/travels)
5.11. Organize conference with teacher, child and parents together with a positive focus.