Zarządzanie klasą
Budowanie relacji
Klimat w klasie
Nauczanie zindywidualizowane
Relacje dom-szkoła
2. Relation Building
2.1. Use name when addressing child and be sure to” see” the child at least one time each lesson. (Look at, stay near, praise, help etc)
2.2. Feedback: Give constructive and positive feedback to the child and focus on positive alternative behaviour.
2.3. Use golden moment to show interest in the child and talk about out-of school matters.
2.4. Positive rumours: Talk positive of the child when other adults or children are listening.
2.5. Positive recognition; Smile and show positive recognition when you meet child outside classroom.
2.6. Try to take pupils perspective in situations of problems and be willing to listen.
2.7. Use humour in classroom.
2.8. Use social profiling; use the pupil’s quality, speciality or good work or good behaviour as a common reference in class.
2.9. Use blank sheets: every day and every lesson is a new possibly.
2.10. Remember things that the child has told you and repeat and show interest.
2.11. Teachers presentation: Teacher talks about himself, his life, experience.